C++ 数据机构转化基础教程文档

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A + B
A + B-C
(A + B) + (C-D)


A B +   
A B + C-  
A B C * +
A B + C * D-


初始化堆栈。 在中缀表达式中从左到右扫描运算符。 如果最左边的字符是操作数,请将其设置为Postfix字符串的当前输出。 如果扫描的字符是运算符,并且堆栈为空或包含'(',')'符号,则将运算符推入堆栈。 如果扫描的运算符的优先级高于堆栈中现有的优先级运算符,或者如果堆栈为空,则将其放在堆栈中。 如果扫描的运算符的优先级低于堆栈中现有的运算符,请弹出所有堆栈运算符。之后,将扫描的运算符推入堆栈。 如果扫描的字符是左括号'(',则将其推入堆栈。 如果遇到右括号')',则弹出堆栈并打印所有输出字符串,直到遇到'('并丢弃两个括号。 重复从2到8的所有步骤,直到扫描中缀表达式为止。 打印堆栈输出。 从堆栈中弹出并输出所有字符,包括运算符,直到不为空为止。
在这里,我们有中缀表达式((A *(B + D)/E)-F *(G + H/K)))转换为其等效的后缀表达式:
标签号 已扫描符号 堆栈 表情
1 ( (
2 ( ((
3 A (( A
4 * (((* A
5 ( (((*( A
6 B (((*( AB
7 + (((*(+ AB
8 D (((*(+ ABD
9 ) (((* ABD +
10 / (((*/ ABD +
11 E (((*/ ABD + E
12 ) ( ABD + E/*
13 - (- ABD + E/*
14 ( (-( ABD + E/*
15 F (-( ABD + E/* F
16 * (-(* ABD + E/* F
17 ( (-(*( ABD + E/* F
18 G (-(*( ABD + E/* FG
19 + (-(*(+ ABD + E/* FG
20 H (-(*(+ ABD + E/* FGH
21 / (-(*(+/ ABD + E/* FGH
22 K (-(*(+/ ABD + E/* FGHK
23 ) (-(* ABD + E/* FGHK/+
24 ) (- ABD + E/* FGHK/+ *
25 ) ABD + E/* FGHK/+ *-


using namespace std;
// defines the boolean function for operator, operand, equalOrhigher precedence and the string conversion function.
bool IsOperator(char);
bool IsOperand(char);
bool eqlOrhigher(char, char);
string convert(string);
int main()
string infix_expression, postfix_expression;
int ch;
cout << " Enter an infix expression: ";
cin >> infix_expression;
 postfix_expression = convert(infix_expression);
 cout << "\n Your Infix expression is: " << infix_expression;
cout << "\n Postfix expression is: " << postfix_expression;
cout << "\n \t do you want to enter infix expression (1/ 0)?";
cin >> ch;
} while(ch == 1);
return 0;
// define the IsOperator() function to validate whether any symbol is operator.
/* if the symbol is operator, it returns true, otherwise false. */
bool IsOperator(char c)
if(c == '+' || c == '-' || c == '*' || c == '/' || c == '^' )
return true;   
return false;
// IsOperand() function is used to validate whether the character is operand.
bool IsOperand(char c)
if( c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')  /* Define the character in between A to Z. if not, it returns false.*/
return true;
if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z')  // Define the character in between a to z. if not, it returns false. */
return true;
if(c >= '0' && c <= '9')   // Define the character in between 0 to 9. if not, it returns false. */
return true;
return false;
// here, precedence() function is used to define the precedence to the operator.
int precedence(char op)
if(op == '+' || op == '-')                   /* it defines the lowest precedence */
return 1;
if (op == '*' || op == '/')
return 2;
if(op == '^')                                  /* exponent operator has the highest precedence *
return 3;      
return 0;
/* The eqlOrhigher() function is used to check the higher or equal precedence of the two operators in infix expression. */
bool eqlOrhigher (char op1, char op2)
int p1 = precedence(op1);
int p2 = precedence(op2);
if (p1 == p2)
if (op1 == '^' )
return false;
return true;
return  (p1>p2 ? true : false);
/* string convert() function is used to convert the infix expression to the postfix expression of the Stack */
string convert(string infix)
stack <char> S;
string postfix ="";  
char ch;
S.push( '(' );
infix += ')';
for(int i = 0; i<infix.length(); i++)
ch = infix[i];
if(ch == ' ')
else if(ch == '(')
else if(IsOperand(ch))
postfix += ch;
else if(IsOperator(ch))
while(!S.empty() && eqlOrhigher(S.top(), ch))
postfix += S.top();
else if(ch == ')')
while(!S.empty() && S.top() != '(')
postfix += S.top();
return postfix;