C++ 计算器程序基础教程文档

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计算器是一种便携式设备,可以帮助我们在日常生活中执行简单的 Math 计算,例如加,减,除,乘一些科学的计算器可以更轻松地执行复杂的计算,例如平方根,函数,指数运算,对数,三角函数和双曲线函数等。在本节中,我们将在C++使用函数和do-while循环。


让 C++ 中使用 函数 和 切换 语句。
void add();
void sub();
void multi();
void division();
void sqr();
void srt();
void exit();
void main()
int opr;
// display different operation of the calculator
cout << "Select any operation from the C++ Calculator"
     "\n1 = Addition"
     "\n2 = Subtraction"
     "\n3 = Multiplication"
     "\n4 = Division"
     "\n5 = Square"
     "\n6 = Square Root"
     "\n7 = Exit"
     "\n \n Make a choice: ";
     cin >> opr;
   switch (opr)
     case 1:
    add();   // call add() function to find the Addition
    case 2:
    sub();   // call sub() function to find the subtraction
    case 3:
    multi(); // call multi() function to find the multiplication
    case 4:
    division(); // call division() function to find the division
    case 5:
    sqr(); // call sqr() function to find the square of a number
    case 6:
    srt(); // call srt() function to find the Square Root of the given number
    case 7:
    exit(0);   // terminate the program
    cout <<"Something is wrong..!!";
    cout <<" \n------------------------------\n";
    }while(opr != 7);
void add()
int n, sum = 0, i, number;
cout <<"How many numbers you want to add: ";
cin >> n;
cout << "Please enter the number one by one: \n";
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++)
cin >> number;
sum = sum + number;
cout << "\n Sum of the numbers = "<< sum;
void sub()
int num1, num2, z;
cout <<" \n Enter the First number = ";
cin >> num1;
cout << "\n Enter the Second number = ";
cin >> num2;
z = num1-num2;
cout <<"\n Subtraction of the number = " << z;
void multi()
int num1, num2, mul;
cout <<" \n Enter the First number = ";
cin >> num1;
cout << "\n Enter the Second number = ";
cin >> num2;
mul = num1 * num2;
cout <<"\n Multiplication of two numbers = " << mul;
void division()
int num1, num2, div = 0;
cout <<" \n Enter the First number = ";
cin >> num1;
cout << "\n Enter the Second number = ";
cin >> num2;
while ( num2 == 0)
     cout << "\n Divisor canot be zero"
         "\n Please enter the divisor once again: ";
         cin >> num2;
div = num1 / num2;
cout <<"\n Division of two numbers = " << div;
void sqr()
int num1;
float sq;
cout <<" \n Enter a number to find the Square: ";
cin >> num1;
sq = num1 * num1;
cout <<" \n Square of " << num1<< " is : "<< sq;
void srt()
float q;
int num1;
cout << "\n Enter the number to find the Square Root:";
cin >> num1;
q = sqrt(num1);
cout <<" \n Square Root of " << num1<< " is : "<< q;


使用 执行时间 和切换语句。
void main()
int opr;
int num1, num2, x;
// display different operation of the calculator
cout << "Select an operation to perform a simple calculation in C++ Calculator"
     "\n1 = Addition"
     "\n2 = Subtraction"
     "\n3 = Multiplication"
     "\n4 = Division"
     "\n5 = Square"
     "\n6 = Exit"
     "\n \n Make a choice: ";
     cin >> opr;
   switch (opr)
     // for addition operation in calculator
     case 1:
     cout << "You have selected the Addition Operation.";
     cout << "\n Please enter the two number: \n";
     cin >> num1 >> num2;
     x = num1 + num2;
     cout << "Sum of two number = " << x;
     // for subtraction operation in calculator
     case 2:
     cout << "You have selected the Subtraction Operation.";
     cout << "\n Please enter the two number: \n";
     cin >> num1 >> num2;
     x = num1-num2;
     cout << "Subtraction of two number = " << x;
     // for multiplication operation in calculator
     case 3:
     cout << "You have selected the Multiplication Operation.";
     cout << "\n Please enter the two number: \n";
     cin >> num1 >> num2;
     x = num1 * num2;
     cout << "Product of two number = " << x;
     // for division operation in calculator
     case 4:
     cout << "You have selected the Division Operation.";
     cout << "\n Please enter the two number; \n";
     cin >> num1 >> num2;
     // while loop checks for divisor whether it is zero
     while ( num2 == 0)
     cout << "\n Divisor cannot be zero"
         "\n Please enter the divisor once again: ";
         cin >> num2;
     x = num1 / num2;
     cout << "\n Quotient = " << x;
     // to square a number in calculator
     case 5:
     cout << "You have selected the Square Operation.";
      cout << "\n Please enter any number: \n";
     cin >> num1;
     x = num1 * num1;
     cout << "Square is = " << x;
     case 6: exit(0);  // terminate the program
     default: cout << "\n Something went wrong..!!";
     cout << "\n-----------------------------------------\n";
     } while(opr != 6);