CouchDB Tutoriallearning manual

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The CouchDB tutorial provides basic and advanced concepts of CouchDB. Our CouchDB tutorial is designed specifically for beginners and professionals.
CouchDB is an open source NoSQL database developed by the Apache Software Foundation. It is written in the Erlang programming language.
Our CouchDB tutorial includes all topics related to CouchDB, such as the CouchDB tutorial with ouchdb Fauxton, HTTP API, installation, ouchdb vs mongodb, creating databases, creating documents, features, introduction, updating documents, why ouchdb was added, and so on.

Introduction to CouchDB

CouchDB is an open source NoSQL database developed by the Apache Software Foundation. It is written in the Erlang programming language.
There are two types of databases:
RDBMS (following SQL) NoSQL

RDBMS: Relational Database Management System

RDBMS is based on the relationship model introduced by E.F. Codd. It is the foundation of SQL, and most database systems follow RDBMS. These databases are: Oracle, MySQL, MS SQL Server, IBM DB2, Microsoft Access, etc.
In RDBMS, data is stored in database objects such as tables. A table is a collection of related data items and contains columns and rows. It only stores structured data.

NoSQL database

NoSQL databases are other types of databases that, in addition to the table format used in Table 1, provide a mechanism for storing and retrieving data. RDBMS。
NoSQL databases are architected, consistent, support simple replication, have simple APIs, and can handle large amounts of data.
The main objectives of NoSQL databases are:
Simplicity of design. Horizontal scaling. Stricter control over availability.
NoSQL database is faster than RDBMS because it uses a different data structure compared to relational databases. NoSQL database can store both structured data and unstructured data, such as audio files, video files, documents, etc.
NoSQL databases can be divided into three types based on their data storage properties:
Key value storage Column storage Document storage CouchDB沙发床简介1

Key value storage

These databases aim to store data as key value pairs. These databases do not have any schema, and each data value contains an index key and its value.
Popular examples of key value storage databases include Cassandra, DynamoDB, BerkeleyDB, Riak, etc.

Column storage

These databases are used to store data in cells. These cells are grouped in data columns, and these columns are further grouped into column families. These column families can contain any number of columns.
Popular examples of column storage databases include BigTable, HBase, and HyperTable.

Document storage

These databases follow the basic idea of key value storage, where "documents" contain complex data and each document is assigned a unique key for retrieving documents.
These databases are used to store, retrieve and manage document oriented information, also known as semi-structured data.
Popular examples of document storage databases are CouchDB, MongoDb, etc.

What is CouchDB

CouchDB is an open source NoSQL database with a focus on ease of use. It was developed by Apache. It is fully compatible with the web. CouchDB uses JSON to store data, JavaScript as its query language to transform documents, MapReduce as its API, and HTTP as its API.
CouchDB is a multi host application released in 2005 and became the Apache project in 2008.

Why use CouchDB

Apache CouchDB is one of the latest databases. CouchDB has a patternless document model, which is more suitable for ordinary applications. Querying data is very powerful.
What are the main reasons for using CouchDB?
CouchDB is easy to use. There is a word to describe CouchDB's' relaxation'. This is also synonymous with the official logo of CouchDB.
Apache CouchDB has started. Please relax
CouchDB为什么选择ouchdb 1CouchDB has an HTTP based REST API, which makes communication with the database very easy. CouchDB has a simple structure of HTTP resources and methods (GET, PUT, DELETE) that are easy to understand and use. In CouchDB, data is stored in a flexible document based structure, so there is no need to worry about the structure of the data. CouchDB provides users with powerful data mapping capabilities that allow for querying, combining, and filtering information. CouchDB provides easy-to-use replication that allows you to replicate, share, and synchronize data between databases and computers.

CouchDB data model

A database is the outermost data structure/container in CouchDB. Each database is a collection of independent documents. Each document is responsible for maintaining its own data and independent architecture. The document metadata contains revision information, which allows for merging differences that occur when disconnecting from the database. CouchDB implements multi version concurrency control to avoid the need to lock database fields during the write process.
CouchDB architecture: